Strategic Planning Session
Service Description
45 minute coaching session is to discuss any of the following topics: Messaging for your brand Messaging for your offer Positioning yourself, uniquely Marketing your business Media & Marketing Budgeting Time Management Building Credit Leveraging your social media Offer clarity and development Curriculum design Audit your program Developing your media or business framework Sales Strategy for your business Marketing your product or service Burnout Imposter syndrome, or lack of confidence Starting a Blog Email Marketing Building Your Business on Social Media If your topic is not here, please email me before booking your session. Session is a fully loaded, information-intensive call that ends with ideas, clarity and action steps. If growing your business is important to you, then make the time for a session. Included: Recording of our session PLUS an additional 15 minutes complimentary phone check up 10 days after our session.
1775 Mentor Avenue
Suite 408
Cincinnati, Ohio
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